Also you started rolling everywhere. I ran to put the laundry in and came back to you half way across the room. You have rolled a handful of time but you usually act like it's an accident and you can't every get back. It's like you woke up today and decided I am going to roll everywhere, and you did. You rolled yourself all over and into corners.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Big week
This week you tried food for the first time. We gave you oatmeal and you downed it like you knew exactly what you were doing. You are an eating pro! You also have tasted some bananas and you act like you can't get enough.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
6 months old Sitting all by yourself
LYou are sitting so strong all by yourself. You can sit for a few mins... Sometimes less sometimes more then you just fall over. It feels like you are more apart of things and I feel like you are more happy sitting up and playing with the big kids. You are honestly as sweet as can be. You are sleeping through the night and take 3 naps day.
Medical update:
Weight: 14 lbs 4 oz (10%)
Height: 26.5 in
Clothes: 6 months
Sleep: 3 naps a day (2 two hours and 1 30 mins)
Words: babble
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Ohio fall
Ohio has the greatest falls. We went apple picking this week and while I was not paying attention I put an apple in my hand and then started picking more, when I looked down you were gumming the apple.
5 months old
I You are one fun little 5 month old. You love attention and you love eye contact. If whoever is holding you is not looking at you, you start getting fussy and then when we look at you, you have a great big smile. You also love facing away from us and looking at all that is going on around you. You are just soaking it all in.
Love dancing and singing. You love when we shake your arms to music or when we sing to you. You have your mouth wide open like you are trying to singing too.
Love making noises. You sound like you are saying hi, and you say it over and over and over. (It's just longer Hiiiiiii, iiiiii,)
You love your bath
You love sitting up with assistance. You keep pulling your head up if you are laying down, and when we sit you up you are as happy as can be.
You do not enjoy tummy time for more than a few minutes. You are happy for a little while and then afterwards you just start screaming.
You do not enjoy being put down where you can't see me or dad or your sisters.
You are starting to get attached and if I in the room and you are hungry or tired you start looking for me.
You can sit down and you kinda push your arms up (beginning of sitting)
You roll every once in a while but for he most part you rock back and forth on your back.
You coo more
You are reaching for objects. You love to sit at dinner and grab everything around your bumbo. You also immediately bring whatever you grab to your face (you love grabbing hair)-- I always hear madison in the other room while I am making dinner--- olivia please let go of my hair, and I walk in and you have a giant fist full of hair
2 bottom teeth
Clothes- size 3-6 months
Shoes- 6 month shoes
Friday, September 11, 2015
We had a great time in Utah and California with Grandma and Grandpa. When we were in California we spent so much time swimming all day and going to Disney in the evenings. Your favorite ride at Disneyland was Its a Small World. You kept turning your head every direction to see it all. When we were in Utah Dad surprised us and we got to spent about 8 days with him. Dad and I spent our 10 year anniversary and Grandma took the two oldest girls while we spent a few days in Utah hanging out in Salt Lake and going to Moab camping. You were an amazing camper. You are only 4 months old and we have already taken you camping twice. Basically you are a pro. The California sun at the beach turned most of your hair to a dark blonde. You still have a dark section in the back but mostly it is blonde now.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
4 months old
You are as sweet as they come! You smile when you wake up. You love to snuggle and you love to roll side to side. Your sisters snuggle you like there is no tomorrow and you rarely complain. I think you love all the attention.
Love Baths
love snuggles
love swimming in the pool (while snuggling)
love to have your legs chugged up and down. It makes you laugh so loud.
love to open your mouth as if you are talking, but nothing comes out
You love to eat your toes and love to suck your fingers
You are very mellow. You rarely cry unless you are hungry or get overly tired but most of the time you are incredibly chill. You love when your sisters play with you. You light up and you have a big smile on your face. You love to snuggle and be held. You are not such a fan of sitting by yourself, you are better than you used to be about it, but you still don't love it.
Height: 25 Inches (40%)
Weight: 12 lbs 9 oz (10%)
Head: 40.5 cm (50)
Clothes: size 3-6 months
You love to eat your toes and love to suck your fingers
You are very mellow. You rarely cry unless you are hungry or get overly tired but most of the time you are incredibly chill. You love when your sisters play with you. You light up and you have a big smile on your face. You love to snuggle and be held. You are not such a fan of sitting by yourself, you are better than you used to be about it, but you still don't love it.
Height: 25 Inches (40%)
Weight: 12 lbs 9 oz (10%)
Head: 40.5 cm (50)
Clothes: size 3-6 months
Monday, August 3, 2015
Rolled over
You rolled over for the first time on August 3 just before grandma cocoa and grandpa disney got on the plane. You haven't done it since but you have been rocking back and forth a lot.
This was seconds before you rolled. You love to sick on two fingers all the time also.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Baby blessing

You were blessed on fast Sunday August 2, 2015 in the Shaker heights ward in the Kirtland Ohio Stake. (This was the very first stake in the Latter Days)
It was a very spiritual and beautiful day. You dad blessed you and among the circle was you Grandpa Stewart Dickson, your Grandpa Garth Andrus, your uncle Paul Dickson, and a friend from dad's orthopedic program William Naylor, also Bishop Harmer and Bro Gervasi of the bishopric. You were blessed with great blessings that I will write for you later. But most important was the spirit that was felt in the room of the love of your family and from your Heavenly Father.
You are a very special girl and you have been sent to our family at a very special time with great older sisters and parents who love you beyond belief.
It was so wonderful to be blessed to have both sets of grandparents there. (Grandma Cocoa, grandpa disney, grandma Lorraine, grandpa dickson) and uncle Paul and Aunt Cortney.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Grandpa and grandma Lorraine in cleveland
Before the blessing grandpa and grandma dickson came about 4 days early to come and explore cleveland with it! We had a lot of fun.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Happy 4th of July
For your very first 4th of July we spent the weekend going to a pool party at dad's boss's house and then afterwards we went and watched fireworks in Kirtland.
You were completely in awe of the fireworks you just sat with Emily, who kept whispering in your ear, "I wuv you baby Wlivia."Then the next day we spent cleaning the house and yard... Haha we know how to celebrate. For the evening we went to a golf course in Shaker Heights and watched an amazing firework show. You loved every minute of it.... You slept through the whole thing. 😴
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
2 months old
You are our lovable lil Olivia Mae. Or as madison and emily call you.... Olivia Mae Saylor Chandelier. So you are just starting to make little coo noises. They are very few and far between but they are just starting to come out. You open your mouth all the time mimicking my actions but only sometimes anything comes out.
You wake up anywhere from 2-3 times a night. For 2 straight weeks you were up almost all night long. You weren't crying a lot but everytime you would start to fall asleep you would reflux and wake back up and cry a little and then try and fall asleep a little. You just couldn't sleep. It was sad. I called the doctor and got you on reflux meds and for the past 6 days you have been sleeping much better. I am so glad because I could tell it was hurting you.
You are pretty serious or observant a lot of the time. You stare hard and just watch. Lol.
You love love your sisters
You love going on walks
You love showers and baths
You love being swaddled and your rock
and play
You love your Binky!! Wubbanub
You love being held all day long and taking naps in daddy and my arms
You love when your sisters snuggle you
Dislike you diaper changes
Being put in the ground
Weight-9 lbs 10 oz (10%)
Height- 22 3/4 inches (50%)
Head- (40%)
Clothes- newborn to 0-3 month clothes
Food- Nurse every 3-4 hours
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