Tuesday, June 23, 2015

2 months old

You are our lovable lil Olivia Mae. Or as madison and emily call you.... Olivia Mae Saylor Chandelier.  So you are just starting to make little coo noises. They are very few and far between but they are just starting to come out. You open your mouth all the time mimicking my actions but only sometimes anything comes out. 

You wake up anywhere from 2-3 times a night. For 2 straight weeks you were up almost all night long. You weren't crying a lot but everytime you would start to fall asleep you would reflux and wake back up and cry a little and then try and fall asleep a little. You just couldn't sleep. It was sad. I called the doctor and got you on reflux meds and for the past 6 days you have been sleeping much better. I am so glad because I could tell it was hurting you. 

You are pretty serious or observant a lot of the time. You stare hard and just watch. Lol. 
You smiled for the first time on June 7th. You have beautiful smile. You smiled first for your dad. 

You love love your sisters 
You love going on walks

You love showers and baths
You love being swaddled and your rock 
and play

You love your Binky!! Wubbanub 
You love being held all day long and taking naps in daddy and my arms
You love when your sisters snuggle you 

Dislike you diaper changes 
Being put in the ground 

Weight-9 lbs 10 oz (10%)
Height- 22 3/4 inches (50%)
Head- (40%)
Clothes- newborn to 0-3 month clothes
Food- Nurse every 3-4 hours 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

First Father's Day

Your dad is amazing. Every day he comes home from work and he wants to hold you. You are his number 1 study buddy. He just finished his first year as an  intern. He will be a 2nd year resident in just a few days!!! We love you olivia. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Meeting family and sisters

I After you were born we called your Grandma Cocoa who was watching your older sisters, and we told them to come up. She had flown in the night before. We were so excited for you to meet all of them. We had facetimed your Grandpa disney and sent pictures to everyone but your sisters had never seen any pictures because Grandma thought it would be fun to see them see you for the first time in person and she was right it was soo fun. They came into the delievery room right as they were transferring me to another floor and they ran over to my wheelchair and instantly feel in love with you. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

The beginning of the Firsts

Today I woke up at 7:30 and guess who was just waking up... You!!! Wahoo. You slept through the whole night. You are 6.5 weeks old. I don't know if it will keep going this way, but I was super excited even for one day.

Also the other thing you did today was SMILE 😃. I seriously melted. Your dad saw you smile yesterday so yesterday June 7, 2015 is your first official day. Daddy loves loves holding you and was in heaven when you smiled. I didn't see it, but Today I did and all your sisters and we talked to grandma Cocoa on FaceTime and you did it for her too. Haha you always give me such a serious look. I have been trying to get you to crack a smile and this is the look I got. Now your all smiles with some serious face!!