Sunday, August 23, 2015

4 months old

You are as sweet as they come! You smile when you wake up.  You love to snuggle and you love to roll side to side. Your sisters snuggle you like there is no tomorrow and you rarely complain.  I think you love all the attention.

Love Baths
love snuggles
love swimming in the pool (while snuggling)
love to have your legs chugged up and down.  It makes you laugh so loud.
love to open your mouth as if you are talking, but nothing comes out
You love to eat your toes and love to suck your fingers

You are very mellow.  You rarely cry unless you are hungry or get overly tired but most of the time you are incredibly chill.  You love when your sisters play with you.  You light up and you have a big smile on your face. You love to snuggle and be held.  You are not such a fan of sitting by yourself, you are better than you used to be about it, but you still don't love it.

Height: 25 Inches (40%)
Weight: 12 lbs 9 oz (10%)
Head: 40.5 cm (50)
Clothes: size 3-6 months

Monday, August 3, 2015

Rolled over

You rolled over for the first time on August 3 just before grandma cocoa and grandpa disney got on the plane. You haven't done it since but you have been rocking back and forth a lot.
This was seconds before you rolled. You love to sick on two fingers all the time also. 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Baby blessing

You were blessed on fast Sunday August 2, 2015 in the Shaker heights ward in the Kirtland Ohio Stake. (This was the very first stake in the Latter Days)
It was a very spiritual and beautiful day. You dad blessed you and among the circle was you Grandpa Stewart Dickson, your Grandpa Garth Andrus, your uncle Paul Dickson, and a friend from dad's orthopedic program William Naylor, also Bishop Harmer and Bro Gervasi of the bishopric. You were blessed with great blessings that I will write for you later. But most important was the spirit that was felt in the room of the love of your family and from your Heavenly Father. 
You are a very special girl and you have been sent to our family at a very special time with great older sisters and parents who love you beyond belief. 
It was so wonderful to be blessed to have both sets of grandparents there. (Grandma Cocoa, grandpa disney, grandma Lorraine, grandpa dickson) and uncle Paul and Aunt Cortney.